Habeas Corpus | Writ

Habeas corpus is a legal term that refers to a legal action that allows a person who is detained or imprisoned to challenge their detention or imprisonment in court. The term “habeas corpus” is Latin for “you shall have the body.” The purpose of this legal action is to ensure that a person’s detention is lawful, and to prevent the government or other authorities from arbitrarily detaining someone without proper legal justification.

In India, the right to habeas corpus is guaranteed under Article 21 of the Constitution, which provides for the protection of personal liberty. Any person who is unlawfully detained or imprisoned can file a writ of habeas corpus in the appropriate court, asking for their release.

To use habeas corpus in India, a person who is detained or imprisoned, or someone acting on their behalf, can file a writ petition in the appropriate court. The petition must state the grounds for the detention and provide evidence to support the claim that the detention is unlawful or arbitrary. The court will then issue a notice to the detaining authority, asking them to produce the person in court on a specified date. The court will then hear the arguments of both sides and make a decision on the legality of the detention.

If the court finds that the detention is unlawful, it will order the immediate release of the person. If the court finds that the detention is lawful, the person will remain in detention. The right to habeas corpus is an important safeguard against arbitrary detention, and it is an essential tool for protecting individual rights and liberties in India.

By Delhi Bar Association

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  1. Thank-you so much senior for sharing this great full insight about habeas corpus. Keep Posting Sir!

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